I have to believe that there is a sense of humor in the universe - after all we have the okapi and the duckbill platypus. Most people have heard of the platypus but did you know they don't have nipples? The milk kind of oozes out and the babies have to lap it up. They just lay there on their backs and the babies lick up the milk. Another interesting thing is that male platypus have a hollow claw that injects venom. It theoretically could kill a small dog.

The okapi was obviously created by kindergarteners. The okapi is most closely related to the giraffe but looks like someone stuck zebra upper legs on goat lower legs. Then they took a big horse front and stuck it to a smaller horse backside and put on the legs. They topped it off with a giraffe head complete with knobs. They have a prehensile tongue. That means it is very, very long and they can wrap it around things. That is impressive.
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