Monday, December 03, 2012

Hey there - where's my suet???

This afternoon I heard a fussing noise on the front porch. It didn't sound like a squirrel and it sure wasn't a chickadee or a chipmunk. So I went and peaked out. There was a pileated woodpecker standing on the railing making all kinds of racket - not the usual jungle-bird call they make - but a really fussy fuss. Then it hopped up the post, looked at the window, pounded on the post, looked again and pounded again. I understood perfectly. The suet container that we fill throughout the winter was empty and he was letting us know. I didn't get a chance to get a picture this time. However, the suet is now filled.

Pileated woodpeckers are very large birds and are very gregarious (you can tell from the story above). They are common in the Upper Peninsula and are responsible for the square holes on trees. 

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