Another very interesting TV show I saw on HD Discovery channel. It is entitled "Ants - Nature's Secret Power" and well worth watching if you get a chance. I read that it is an award winning documentary (I can see why) and that "Ants II" is coming out in 2008 - I can hardly wait!
I grew up with numerous ant farms in mayonnaise jars with hose (not panty hose - they didn't make them back then - but old fashioned hose) over the top held on with a rubber band. Sometimes I am truly amazed at what my mother let me do in my bedroom. I have always been fascinated with ants. This just fueled the fire. It even crossed my mind to quit my job and apply for a postdoc with some ant researcher. Seriously. So I am now determined to start an ant farm for my classroom. I am going to see if I can find some ants in Florida in January when I go there for my conference, baggie them up and tenderly put them in my luggage and transport them home. If that doesn't work I am going to order some from a science catalog. I want an ant farm. Ant farms are so cool. If you want to make an ant farm, here is a diagram. Of course you can buy those fancy ones, but if
you are not interested in investing in such a worthwhile luxury, you can build one easily. The reason for the small jar or bottle is to keep the ants from digging their tunnels so far into the middle that you can't see any of them. To encourage them to go toward the outside, wrap dark paper or cloth around the outside at the level of the sand. You can use pop bottles that have been cut as well as more fancy things. If you are using a big jar with a lid, punch holes in the lid then put it over the panty hose. If you don't, ants can crawl through any but the tiniest holes and you will welcome critters into your home.

Don't tranport reproductive ants - queens. That is not only illegal but not smart - we don't need any more exotic species introduced. Enjoy these amazing little creatures. They truly are wonders to be seen.
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