Oh please - not more birds. As my son Curt says, "Why would you want to take pictures of birds? Other people do that and you can just get the ones they took." I suppose so but still - I like taking pictures of birds....MY birds!

Our snowstorm is up to 4 feet - probably a bit more. There was one station with 52 inches of snow this week. That is a record since snow depths were recorded for April in the UP. It is still snowing but is supposed to diminish this evening after dumping another 2-4 inches.
Above is a picture of snow on our oak branches and a fir in the background. To the right are icicles outside my home office window.
Now for the birds. As I mentioned before, there have been sometimes up to 20 birds on our porch and bird feeders. As a result much competition exists. The chickadees and nuthatches seem to lose out the most. I got this humourous picture of birds competing for a spot. The two reddish birds are purple finches and the yellow birds are American goldfinches. My captions, from RIGHT to LEFT, are: "MOVE!" "NO!" "If you're going to fight I'm outta here!" and finally "These guys really annoy me." To the right is a picture of a female purple finch in flight.

To the right is a female purple finch in flight. Besides the purple and gold finches, and chickadees and nuthatches, we have had juncos, hairy woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers (on our suet), and a blue jay or two.
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